Holiday Tips

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  1. Shut off or unplug the Christmas tree when unattended.
  2. Leave a light on or a television on in the house to deter thieves.
  3. When out be aware of your surroundings.
  4. Watch your children in the malls. Its easy for a young child to wander away.
  5. Do not walk up to an ATM in the dark.
  6. If shopping don’t flash a lot of cash around.
  7. Poinsettias can be poisonous to pets; make sure your pets can’t get to them.
  8. Lock your car when unattended.
  9. Don’t leave any packages in plain site in you car.
  10. Drive defensively.
  11. There are lots of parties this time of year, please be responsible and designate a sober driver.
  12. If traveling stop newspaper and mail delivery so your house does not look abandoned.
  13. Take time to enjoy the moment and don’t stress out over the little things.
  14. Be kind to those you meet. This is not a happy time of year for many people.